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Pre-worship childcare, all ages, 9 - 10 AM    

Nursery, infants through age 5, 10 - 11 AM

Sunday School, ages 6-10, following Children’s Time in Worship (Please drop your children off directly to their Sunday School room before joining us for worship. They return to the sanctuary following the offertory.)

On Communion Sundays, class ends early and everyone participates in Communion.

As you enter the sanctuary you will see a "tree" with Worship Buddy Bags.  In these bags are items for children to help them if they get restless during service in the Sanctuary.  

There are also special bulletins just for kids—one for Readers and another for Pre-Readers—located on a table next to the Worship Buddy Bags.



We have Youth Group for young people from Middle School to High School.  Youth Group is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. If you would like to help with Youth Group, please contact Brian Bowen at more information. 

camps and retreats at La Foret:
our UCC conference center
near Colorado Springs
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