Visiting for the first time?
What to Expect
Our services will always include in-person, live streaming, and on-demand options.
When You Arrive
We have on-street parking. The West-facing front entrance is in the middle of Leyden Street. Look for the lamp post and flags.
Worship Time
Our Weekly Services are Sunday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m. Mountain Time. If you can't make it at that time, watch later on-demand on our YouTube channel -
You can drop your children off directly to their Sunday School room before you join us for worship. The children return to the sanctuary following the offertory. Children return to worship to participate on Communion Sundays—our church practice is that Communion is open to any and all. There are Worship Buddy Bags to pick up as you enter the church; they are available for children who may be restless. There is also a staffed nursery for the youngest children if you choose.
We have Youth Group for young people from Middle School to High School. Youth Group is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. If you would like to help with Youth Group, please contact Brian Bowen at for more information.
The Sanctuary, restrooms, and most of the building are wheelchair accessible. The second-floor choir loft upstairs and Fellowship Hall downstairs have chair lifts for those who can transfer from their wheelchair.
Hearing Impaired
We have a "Hearing Loop" built into the floor that connects directly to the T-coil in hearing aids. Headphones are also available upon request; just ask an usher.
We typically celebrate the Sacrament of Communion once per month. We believe that Jesus sets the Table, not us; therefore all people, including children, are welcome whether or not they are members of our church or any church. We use grape juice and bread. Gluten-free wafers are also provided. If you are at home, choose your own communion elements - whatever feels sacred to you. Perhaps coffee and a cinnamon roll! Let God transform the elements into more than we would imagine on our own.
We offer a wide variety of music and styles. Some Sundays, worship could be described as a traditional mainline with big organ pieces and hymns. Other Sundays we sing with piano accompaniment, using songs from a wide variety of sources, including UCC songbooks. The third Sunday of the month is “Gospel” Sunday. The choir is supplemented by soloists or small ensembles. We encourage children to play their instruments and sing as they feel comfortable. The choir will once again practice on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. before the 10 a.m. weekly service. All members and guests are welcome to join the choir!
Inclusive Language
We strive to use many images and names for God. For example, The Lord’s Prayer begins: "Our Creator, holy is your name." And all our music uses inclusive and expansive language.
Compassion in Action Offering
We highlight the mission of a different community organization every month during worship in addition to our weekly church offering. We give away all loose cash in the offering plate, in addition to designated gifts. In 2020, this amounted to over $25,000. See our Mission Partners page for more information. On any fifth Sundays we collect for the Pastor's Discretionary Fund.
We seek to be transformed as we gather to worship God, seek inspiration from the teachings of Jesus Christ, and move into the world to make a difference by the power of God's Spirit of Light and Love.
A Church where everyone finds their place for ministry.
A Church full of people who live and proclaim the social justice witness of Jesus Christ.
A Church community fully engaged in faith formation.
A Church committed to developing and using our resources wisely.
Spiritual depth and intellectual integrity
Worship, education, and outreach that transforms people and society
Social justice, diversity, and love of neighbor
Being open and affirming to everyone—without exception
Belief that these values are embodied in the life of Jesus
We come from all kinds of faith traditions (or none). Our fellowship is based upon how our common humanity calls us into relationship—across lines that often divide Christians, Jews, Muslims and adherents of the world's great religions. We are here for each other to address the joy of our existence, process the grief and in our world, and offer healing.