The Earth belongs to the Lord and the fullness thereof...
This passage from Psalm 24 instructs our faith commitment to the Earth, so we have implemented stewardship to practice it:
We added Solar Panels for all our energy use
Our financial investments are specifically in a fund called "Beyond Fossil Fuels" and therefore screen out gas and oil companies
We replaced all toilets to low-flow
We replaced all our boilers, furnaces, and AC units to the most energy efficient option available
We replaced every light fixture with LED
We replaced sprinkler systems and changed to a more xeric landscaping thereby watering less grass
We purchased all Energy Star appliances
We added insulation to the chapel roof
We added motion sensors to light switches to turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity
We planted trees in a Denver park
We bought mugs to wash after coffee hour instead of using disposable cups
We recycle
We provide education and encouragement for our members to practice environmental stewardship in their own homes
...and we're always looking for more ways to practice environmental stewardship.